Terms & Conditions

This Terms of Use agreement was last updated: August 31st 2018This Terms of Useagreement is effective as of: December 22, 2014

ALK Technologies Pvt Ltd ("Bizboss"),primarily operates, controls and manages the Services (as defined below)provided by it from its corporate office at SyP:115, ANo:206,Electronic city,Phase-1, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560100.

PLEASE READ THETERMS OF USE THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY. The terms and conditions set forth below("Terms of Use") and the Privacy Policy (as defined below)constitute a legally-binding agreement between Bizboss operating from itsBangalore Corporate Office and you. These Terms of Use contain provisions thatdefine your limits, legal rights and obligations with respect to your use ofand participation in (i) the Bizboss website and mobile application, includingthe classified advertisements, forums, various email functions and Internetlinks, and all content and Bizboss services available through the domain andsub-domains of Bizboss located at www.bizboss.in (collectively referred toherein as the "Website"), and (ii) the online transactionsbetween those users of the Website who are offering services (each, a"Service Professional") and those users of the Website whoare obtaining services (each, a "Service User") through theWebsite (such services, collectively, the "Services"). TheTerms of Use described below incorporate the Privacy Policy and apply to allusers of the Website, including users who are also contributors of videocontent, information, private and public messages, advertisements, and othermaterials or Services on the Website. The Website is owned and operated by ALKTechnologies Pvt. Ltd. You acknowledge that the Website serves as a venuefor the online distribution and publication of user submitted informationbetween Corporate Vendors and Service Users, and, by using, visiting,registering for, and/or otherwise participating in this Website, including theServices presented, promoted, and displayed on the Website, and by clicking on"I have read and agree to the terms of use," you herebycertify that: (1) you are either a Service Professional or a prospectiveService User, (2) you have the authority to enter into these Terms of Use, (3)you authorize the transfer of payment for Services requested through the use ofthe Website, and (4) you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of theseTerms of Use and any other documents incorporated by reference herein. If youdo not so agree to the foregoing, you should not click to affirm youracceptance thereof, in which case you are prohibited from accessing or usingthe Website. If you do not agree to any of the provisions set forth in theTerms of Use, kindly discontinue viewing or participating in this Websiteimmediately. YOU SPECIFICALLY AGREE THAT BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU ARE AT LEAST18 YEARS OF AGE AND YOU ARE COMPETENT UNDER LAW TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDINGAND ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT. All references to "you" or"your," as applicable, mean the person that accesses, uses,and/or participates in the Website in any manner. If you use the Website oropen an Account (as defined below) on behalf of a business, you represent andwarrant that you have the authority to bind that business and your acceptanceof the Terms of Use will be deemed an acceptance by that business and"you" and "your" herein shall refer to thatbusiness. 1. Bizboss reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change,modify, or otherwise amend the Terms of Use, and any other documentsincorporated by reference herein for complying with legal and regulatoryframework and for other legitimate business purposes, at any time, and Bizbosswill post the amended Terms of Use at the domain of www.bizboss.com/terms. Itis your responsibility to review the Terms of Use for any changes and you areencouraged to check the Terms of Use frequently. Your use of the Websitefollowing any amendment of the Terms of Use will signify your assent to andacceptance of any revised Terms of Use. If you do not agree to abide by theseor any future Terms of Use, please do not use or access the Website 2. Bizbosshas established a Privacy Policy that explains to users how their informationis collected and used. The Privacy Policy is referenced above and herebyincorporated into the Terms of Use set forth herein. Your use of this Websiteis governed by the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is located at: PrivacyPolicy (/privacy-policy) 1 Bizboss hereby grants you a non-exclusive, revocablelicense to use the Website as set forth in the Terms of Use; provided, however,that (i) you will not copy, distribute, or make derivative works of the Websitein any medium without Bizboss's prior written consent; (ii) you willnot alter or modify any part of the Website other than as may be reasonablynecessary to use the Website for its intended purposes; and (iii) you willotherwise act in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Terms of Useand in accordance with all applicable laws. Use of the Website is availableonly to individuals who are at least 18 years old and can form legally bindingcontracts under applicable law. You represent, acknowledge and agree that youare at least 18 years of age, and that: (a) all registration information thatyou submit is truthful and accurate, (b) you will maintain the accuracy of suchinformation, and (c) your use of the Website and Services offered through thisWebsite do not violate any applicable law or regulation. Your Account (definedbelow) may be terminated without warning if we at our discretion, believe thatyou are under the age of 18 or that you are not complying with any applicablelaws, rules or regulations. You need not register with Bizboss to simply visitand view the Website, but to access and participate in certain features of theWebsite, you will need to create a password-protected account("Account"). To create an account, you must submit your nameand email address through the account registration page on the Website andcreate a password. You will also have the ability to provide additionaloptional information, which is not required to register for an account but maybe helpful to Bizboss in providing you with a more customized experience whenusing the Website. You may also register for an Account using your existingFacebook account and log-in credentials (your "Third-Party SitePassword"). You are solely responsible for safeguarding your Bizbosspassword and, if applicable, your Third-Party Site Password (collectively,"Passwords") at all times and shall keep your Passwordssecure at all times. You shall be solely responsible for all activity thatoccurs on your Account and you shall notify Bizboss immediately of any breachof security or any unauthorized use of your Account. Similarly, you shall neveruse another's Account without Bizbosss permission. You agree that youwill not misrepresent yourself or represent yourself as another user of theWebsite and/or the Services offered through the Website. You hereby expresslyacknowledge and agree that you yourself and not Bizboss will be liable for yourlosses, damages etc. (whether direct or indirect) caused by an unauthorized useof your Account. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may be liable for thelosses of Bizboss or others due to such unauthorized use. An Account holder issometimes referred to herein as a "Registered User." Youacknowledge and agree that you shall comply with the following policies (the"Account Policies"): You will not copy or distribute any partof the Website in any medium without Bizboss's prior writtenauthorization. You will not alter or modify any part of the Website other thanas may be reasonably necessary to use the Website for its intended purpose. Youwill provide true, accurate, current and complete information when creatingyour Account and you shall maintain and update such information during the termof this Agreement so that it will remain accurate, true, current and complete.You shall not use any automated system, including but not limited to,"robots," "spiders," "offlinereaders," "scrapers," etc., to access the Websitefor any purpose without Bizboss's prior written approval. You shallnot in any manual or automated manner collect Corporate Vendors or ServiceUsers information, including but not limited to, names, addresses, phonenumbers, or email addresses, copying copyrighted text, or otherwise misuse ormisappropriate Website information or content, including but not limited to,use on a "mirrored", competitive, or third party site. Youshall not in any way that transmits more request messages to the Bizbossservers, or any server of a Bizboss subsidiary or affiliate, in a given periodof time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using aconventional online web browser; provided, however, that the operators ofpublic search engines may use spiders or robots to copy materials from the sitefor the sole purpose of creating publicly available searchable indices of thematerials, but not caches or archives of such material. Bizboss reserves theright to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. Youshall not recruit, solicit, or contact in any form Corporate Vendors orService Users for employment or contracting for a business not affiliated with Bizbosswithout express written permission from Bizboss. You shall not take any actionthat (i) unreasonably encumbers or, in Bizboss's sole discretion, mayunreasonably encumber the Website's infrastructure; (ii) interferes orattempts to interfere with the proper working of the Website or any third-partyparticipation in the Website; or (iii) bypasses Bizboss's measuresthat are used to prevent or restrict access to the Website. You agree not tocollect or harvest any personally identifiable data, including withoutlimitation, names or other Account information, from the Website, nor to usethe communication systems provided by the Website for any commercialsolicitation purposes. Your access to, use of, and participation in the Websiteis subject to the Terms of Use and all applicable Bizboss regulations,guidelines and additional policies that Bizboss may set forth from time totime, including without limitation, a copyright policy and any otherrestrictions or limitations that Bizboss publishes on the Website (the"Additional Policies"). You hereby agree to comply with theAdditional Policies and your obligations thereunder at all times. You herebyacknowledge and agree that if you fail to adhere to any of the terms andconditions of this Agreement or documents referenced herein, including theAccount Policies, membership eligibility criteria or Additional Policies, Bizboss,in its sole discretion, may terminate your Account at any time without priornotice to you as well as initiate appropriate legal proceedings, if necessary.C. 1. You shall not upload, post, transmit, transfer, disseminate, distribute,or facilitate distribution of any content, including text, images, video,sound, data, information, or software, to any part of the Website, includingyour profile ("Profile"), the posting of your Service ("Offer"),the posting of your desired Service ("Want"), or the postingof any opinions or reviews in connection with the Website, the Service, theService Professional, or the Service User ("Feedback") (allof the foregoing content is sometimes collectively referred to herein as"Submitted Content" and the posting of Submitted Content issometimes referred to as a "Posting" or as"Postings") that: misrepresents the source of anything youpost, including impersonation of another individual or entity or any false orinaccurate biographical information for any Corporate Vendors; provides orcreate links to external sites that violate the Terms of Use; is intended toharm or exploit any individual under the age of 18 ("Minor")in any way; is designed to solicit, or collect personally identifiableinformation of any Minor, including, but not limited to, name, email address,home address, phone number, or the name of his or her school; invadesanyone's privacy by attempting to harvest, collect, store, or publishprivate or personally identifiable information, such as names, email addresses,phone numbers, passwords, account information, credit card numbers, homeaddresses, or other contact information without their knowledge and willingconsent; contains falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage Bizboss orany third party; is pornographic, harassing, hateful, illegal, obscene,defamatory, libelous, slanderous, threatening, discriminatory, racially,culturally or ethnically offensive; incites, advocates, or expressespornography, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hatred, bigotry, racism, orgratuitous violence; encourages conduct that would be considered a criminaloffense, give rise to civil liability or violate any law; promotes racism,hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual; containsnudity, violence or inappropriate subject matter; or is otherwiseinappropriate; is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subjectto third-party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights,unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightfulowner to post the material and to grant Bizboss all of the license rightsgranted herein; contains or promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of anotherperson's copyrighted work, such as pirated computer programs or linksto them, information to circumvent manufacture installed copy-protectiondevices, pirated music or links to pirated music files, or lyrics, guitar tabsor sheet music, works of art, teaching tools, or any other item the copy,display, use, performance, or distribution of which infringes onanother's copyright, intellectual property right, or any other proprietaryright; is intended to threaten, stalk, defame, defraud, degrade, victimize, orintimidate an individual or group of individuals for any reason on the basis ofage, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, or religion; orto incite or encourage anyone else to do so; intends to harm or disrupt anotheruser's computer or would allow others to illegally access software orbypass security on websites or servers, including but not limited, to spamming;impersonates, uses the identity of, or attempts to impersonate a Bizbossemployee, agent, manager, host, another user, or any other person though anymeans; advertises or solicits a business not related to or appropriate for theWebsite (as determined by Bizboss in its sole discretion); contains or could beconsidered "junk mail", "spam","chain letters", "pyramid schemes","affiliate marketing", or unsolicited commercialadvertisement; contains advertising for ponzi schemes, discount cards, creditcounseling, online surveys or online contests; distributes or contains virusesor any other technologies that may harm Bizboss, or the interests or propertyof Bizboss users; contains links to commercial services or websites, except asallowed pursuant to the Terms of Use; is non-local or irrelevant content;contains identical content to other open Postings you have already posted; oruses any form of automated device or computer program that enables thesubmission of Postings without the express written consent of Bizboss 2 Youwill not send messages to other users containing: offers to make national orinternational money transfers for amounts exceeding the asking price of aservice, with intent to request a refund of any portion of the payment; orunsolicited advertising or marketing of a service not offered on the Website oran external website. 3. NO DISCRIMINATION 1. Discriminatory Postings. Indianlaws prohibit any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or other protected class. Bizbosswill not knowingly accept any Posting which is in violation of the law. Bizbosshas the right, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to you; toimmediately remove any posting that discriminates or is any way in violation ofany law. 2. PROHIBITIONS WITH RESPECT TO SERVICES While using the Website, youshall not: post content or items in any inappropriate category or areas on theWebsite; violate any laws, third-party rights, Account Policies, or anyprovision of the Terms of Use, such as the prohibitions described above; failto deliver payment for Services purchased by you, unless the ServiceProfessional has materially changed the description of the Service descriptionafter you negotiate an agreement for such Service, a clear typographical erroris made, or you cannot authenticate the Service Professional'sidentity; fail to perform Services purchased from you, unless the Service Userfails to materially meet the terms of the mutually agreed upon agreement forthe Services, refuses to pay, a clear typographical error is made, or youcannot authenticate the Service User's identity; manipulate the priceof any Service or interfere with other users' Postings; circumvent ormanipulate our fee structure, the billing process, or fees owed to Bizboss;post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous content (includingpersonal information about any Website user); take any action that mayundermine the Feedback or ratings systems (such as displaying, importing orexporting Feedback information off of the Website or using it for purposesunrelated to the Website); 3. FEEDBACK As a participant in the Website, youagree to use careful, prudent, and good judgment when leaving Feedback foranother user. The following actions constitute inappropriate uses of Feedback:(a) threatening to leave negative or impartial Feedback for another user unlessthat user provides services not included in the original Posting or not agreedto as part of the Service to be provided; (b) leaving Feedback in order to makethe Service Professional or Service User appear better than he or she actuallyis or was; and (c) including conditions in an Offer or Want that restrict aService Professional or a Service User from leaving Feedback. 1. Sanctions forInappropriate Use of Feedback. If you violate any of the above-referenced rulesin connection with leaving Feedback, Bizboss, in its sole discretion, may takeany of the following actions: (i) cancel your Feedback or any of your Postings;(ii) limit your Account privileges; (iii) suspend your Account; and/or (iv)decrease your status earned via the Feedback page. 2. Reporting InappropriateUse of Feedback. You may contact Bizboss regarding any inappropriate use ofFeedback via-email at support@Bizboss.com. 3. Resolving Disputes in Connectionwith Feedback. In the event of any dispute between users of the Websiteconcerning Feedback, Bizboss shall be the final arbiter of such dispute. Further,IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISPUTE BETWEEN USERS OF THE WEBSITE CONCERNING FEEDBACK, BIZBOSSHAS THE RIGHT, IN ITS SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, TO REMOVE SUCH FEEDBACK ORTAKE ANY ACTION IT DEEMS REASONABLE WITHOUT INCURRING ANY LIABILITY THEREFROM.The foregoing lists of prohibitions provide examples and are not complete orexclusive. Bizboss reserves the right to (a) terminate your access to yourAccount, your ability to post to this Website (or the Services) and (b) refuse,delete or remove, move or edit the content, in whole or in part, of anyPostings; with or without cause and with or without notice, for any reason orno reason, or for any action that Bizboss determines is inappropriate ordisruptive to this Website or to any other user of this Website and/orServices. Bizboss reserves the right to restrict the number of e-mails or othermessages that you are allowed to send to other users to a number that Bizbossdeems appropriate in Bizboss's sole discretion. Bizboss may report tolaw enforcement authorities any actions that may be illegal, and any reports itreceives of such conduct. When legally required or at Bizboss'sdiscretion, Bizboss will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in anyinvestigation of alleged illegal activity on this Website or on the Internet.Bizbossdoes not and cannot review every Posting posted to the Website. Theseprohibitions do not require Bizboss to monitor, police or remove any Postingsor other information submitted by you or any other user. D. Rules for ServiceProfessionals 1. PROFILES AND OFFERS MUST NOT BE FRAUDULENT Subject to anyexceptions set forth in these Terms of Use or Additional Policies, if any,Corporate Vendors shall not: (a) list Services or offers relating to any Servicein a category that is inappropriate to the Service they are offering; (b)misrepresent the location at which they will provide a Service; (c) includeinappropriate keywords in their Profile(d) usemisleading titles that do not accurately describe the Service; or (e) includeany information in their Profile that is fraudulent. 2. PROFILES AND OFFERSCANNOT USE TECHNIQUES TO AVOID OR CIRCUMVENT BIZBOSS FEES Subject to anyexceptions set forth in these Terms of Use or Additional Policies, if any,Corporate Vendors shall not: (a) offer a catalog or a link to a third-partywebsite from which Service Users or any Registered User or user of the Websitemay obtain the Service directly; (b) exceed multiple Posting limits; (c) post asingle Service but offer additional identical services in the Servicedescription;(d) use their Profile page or user nameto promote services not offered on or through the Website and/or prohibitedservices. In case we realize that any professional is involved in any of theabove activities, Bizboss holds the sole discretion to blacklist theprofessional and withhold any outstanding credits or payments to theprofessional. FOR ALL WEBSITE USERS Subject to any exceptions set forth inthese Terms of Use or Additional Policies, if any, Corporate Vendors shallnot: (a) solicit Service Users to mail cash or use other payment methods notspecifically permitted by Bizboss as approved payment methods; (b) includelinks that do not conform to Bizboss's policies with respect tothird-party links; (c) use certain types of HTML and JavaScript in Postings,your Profile page, your Offer page, or your Wants page; (d) promote raffles,prizes, bonuses, games of chance, giveaways, or random drawings; (e) useprofanity in any Posting; (f) acknowledge or credit a third-party serviceprofessional for services or products directly connected with your particularPosting (1) with more than 10 words of text at HTML font size greater than 3and/or a logo of 88X33 pixels (provided that you represent and warrant that youhave the necessary rights, licenses, permissions and/or authorizations from theapplicable third party to use that third party's name and/or logo),(2) with any promotional material in connection with that third-party company,and/or (3) with a link to the third-party's website with anyinformation in addition to the Service provided via Bizboss; (g) includethird-party endorsements in a Posting; or (h) create a Posting that does notoffer a Service. It is further clarified that your registration on the Websiteshall be deemed to be your consent to be contacted for the purposes mentionedabove, (i) on the mobile number shared by you even if you are registered withthe National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) and have opted out ofreceiving promotional calls and messages and (ii) by way of SMS or emailnotifications or messages in any other electronic form 5. PRODUCTS UTILIZEDWHILE RENDERING SERVICES TO THE SERVICE USER(S) The Service Professional willprocure the Products from Bizboss only for rendering the Services facilitatedthrough the Bizbosss Platform. Any Product purchased by the ServiceProfessional from Bizboss shall only be used for the sole purpose of renderingservices booked through Bizboss Platform. Products sold by Bizboss to theService Professional should not be used for personal consumption by the ServiceProfessional under any circumstances. 6. SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATING ANY OF THERULES FOR CORPORATE VENDORS If a Corporate Vendor violates any of theabove-referenced rules in connection with his or her Posting, Bizboss, in itssole discretion, may take any of the following actions: (a) cancel the Posting;(b) limit the Corporate Vendor's Account privileges; (c) suspendthe Corporate Vendor's Account; (d) cause the Corporate Vendorto forfeit any fees earned on a cancelled Posting; and/or (e) decrease theCorporate Vendor's status earned via the Feedback page. E. Rulesfor Service Users 1. SERVICE USERS SHALL NOT TAKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS:(a) commit to purchasing or using a Service without paying; (b) sign up for,negotiate a price for, use, or otherwise solicit a Service with no intention offollowing through with your use of or payment for the Service; (c) agree topurchase a Service when you do not meet the Corporate Vendor'sterms as outlined in the Posting, or agree to purchase a Service with theintention of disrupting a Posting; or (d) misuse any options made available nowor in the future by Bizboss in connection with the use or purchase of anyService. 2. SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATING ANY OF THE RULES FOR SERVICE USERS If aService User violates any of the above-referenced rules in connection with hisor her Posting, Bizboss, in its sole discretion, may take any of the followingactions: (a) cancel the Posting; (b) limit the Service User's Accountprivileges; (c) suspend the Service User's Account; and/or (d)decrease the Service User's status earned via the Feedback page. TheWebsite may now or in the future permit the submission of videos or othercommunications submitted by you and other users, including without limitation,your Profile, your Offer, your Wants, any Feedback, and all Submitted Content,and the hosting, sharing, and/or publishing of such Submitted Content. Youunderstand that whether or not such Submitted Content is published, Bizbossdoes not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any Submitted Content.You agree that any Submitted Content provided by you for which you authorize tobe searchable by Registered Users who have access to the Website is provided ona non-proprietary and non confidential basis. You agree that Bizboss shall befree to use or disseminate such freely searchable Submitted Content on anunrestricted basis for the purpose of providing the Services. You are awarethat any information provided by you in the Submitted Content towards locatinga professional who ordinarily is bound to maintain confidentiality under lawwith his/her client (i.e. a doctor or a lawyer) is not extended to Bizboss. Bizbossmay also disclose user information including personal information if Bizbossreasonably believes that disclosure (i) is necessary in order to comply with alegal process (such as a court order, search warrant, etc.) or other legalrequirement of any governmental authority, (ii) would potentially mitigate Bizbosssliability in an actual or potential lawsuit, (iii) is otherwise necessary orappropriate to protect our rights or property, or the rights or property of anyperson or entity, (iv) to enforce this Agreement (including, but not limited toensuring payment of fees by users), or (v) as may be required or necessary todeter illegal behaviour (including, but not limited to, fraud). 2. YOURREPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES You shall be solely responsible for your ownSubmitted Content and the consequences of posting or publishing it. Inconnection with Submitted Content, you affirm, represent, and/or warrant that:(a) you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissionsto use and authorize Bizboss to use all patent, trademark, trade secret,copyright or other proprietary rights in and to any and all Submitted Contentto enable inclusion and use of the Submitted Content in the manner contemplatedby the Website and these Terms of Use; and (b) you have the written consent,release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person inthe Submitted Content to use the name or likeness of each and every suchidentifiable individual person to enable inclusion and use of the SubmittedContent in the manner contemplated by the Website and these Terms of Use. Youagree to pay for all royalties, fees, and any other monies owing any person byreason of any Submitted Content posted by you to or through the Website. 3.YOUR OWNERSHIP RIGHTS AND LICENSE TO BIZBOSS You retain all of your ownershiprights in your Submitted Content. However, by submitting the Submitted Contentto Bizboss for posting on the Website, you hereby grant, and you represent andwarrant that you have the right to grant, to Bizboss a perpetual, worldwide,non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicense able and transferable license to linkto, use, reproduce, distribute, reformat, translate, prepare derivative worksof, display, and perform the Submitted Content in connection with the Websiteand Bizboss's (and its successor's) business operations,including without limitation, for the promotion and redistribution of any partor all of the Website, and any derivative works thereof, in any media formatsand through any media channels. You also hereby grant each user of the Websitea non-exclusive license to access your Submitted Content through the Website,and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display andperform such Submitted Content as permitted through the functionality of theWebsite and under these Terms of Use. The foregoing license granted by youterminates once you remove or delete the Submitted Content from the Website.You acknowledge and understand that the technical processing and transmissionof the Website, including your Submitted Content, may involve (a) transmissionsover various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technicalrequirements of connecting networks or devices. You may remove your SubmittedContent from the Website at any time. If you choose to remove your SubmittedContent, the license granted above will automatically expire. 4 1. Bizboss doesnot endorse any Submitted Content or any opinion, recommendation, or adviceexpressed therein, and Bizboss expressly disclaims any and all liability inconnection with all Submitted Content. Bizboss does not permit copyright infringingactivities and infringement of intellectual property rights on the Website, andBizboss will remove any Data (as defined below) or Submitted Content ifproperly notified, pursuant to the "take down" notificationprocedure described in Section J below, that such Posting or Submitted Contentinfringes on another's intellectual property rights. Bizboss reservesthe right to remove any Data or Submitted Content without prior notice. Bizbosswill also terminate a user's access to the Website, if he or she isdetermined to be a repeat infringer. A repeat infringer is a Website user whohas been notified of infringing activity more than twice and/ or has hadSubmitted Content removed from the Website more than twice. Bizboss alsoreserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to decide whether anyData or Submitted Content is appropriate and complies with these Terms of Usefor all violations, in addition to copyright infringement and violations ofintellectual property law, including, but not limited to, pornography, obsceneor defamatory material, or excessive length. Bizboss may remove such SubmittedContent and/or terminate a user's access for uploading such materialin violation of these Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice and in itssole discretion. 2. You acknowledge and understand that when using the Website,you will be exposed to Submitted Content from a variety of sources, and that Bizbossis not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectualproperty rights of or relating to such Submitted Content. You furtheracknowledge and understand that you may be exposed to Submitted Content that isinaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, andhereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may haveagainst Bizboss with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold Bizboss,its owners, members, managers, operators, directors, officers, agents,affiliates, and/or licensors, harmless to the fullest extent allowed by lawregarding all matters related to your use of the Website. 3. You are solelyresponsible for the photos, profiles and other content, including, withoutlimitation, Submitted Content that you publish or display on or through theWebsite, or transmit to other Website users. You understand and agree that Bizbossmay, in its sole discretion and without incurring any liability, review anddelete or remove any Submitted Content that violates this Agreement or whichmight be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, orthreaten the safety of Website users or others. 5. SUGGESTIONS. If you send ortransmit any communications, comments, questions, suggestions, or relatedmaterials to Bizboss, whether by letter, email, telephone, or otherwise(collectively, "Suggestions"), suggesting or recommendingchanges to the Website, including, without limitation, new features orfunctionality relating thereto, all such Suggestions are, and will be treatedas, non-confidential and non-proprietary. You hereby assign all right, title,and interest in, and Bizboss is free to use, without any attribution orcompensation to you, any ideas, know-how, concepts, techniques, or otherintellectual property and proprietary rights contained in the Suggestions,whether or not patentable, for any purpose whatsoever, including but notlimited to, developing, manufacturing, having manufactured, licensing,marketing, and selling, directly or indirectly, products and services usingsuch Suggestions. You understand and agree that Bizboss is not obligated touse, display, reproduce, or distribute any such ideas, know-how, concepts, ortechniques contained in the Suggestions, and you have no right to compel suchuse, display, reproduction, or distribution or seek recognition if theSuggestions are in fact implemented. J. Copyright Infringement Take DownProcedure Bizboss has high regard for intellectual property and expects thesame level of standard to be employed by its users. Bizboss may, in appropriatecircumstances and at its discretion, terminate the Account or prohibit accessto the Website of users who infringe upon the intellectual property rights ofothers. If you believe that your work has been copied and posted on the Websitein a way that constitutes copyright infringement and/or trademark infringement,please send the following information to us at help@bizboss.com (i)identification of the copyrighted and/or trademarked work claimed to have beeninfringed, or, if multiple works at a single online site are covered by asingle notification, a representative list of such works at that site; (ii)identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be thesubject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which isto be disabled at the Website, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Bizbossto locate the material.; (iii) a written statement that you have a good faithbelief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright and/ortrademark owner, its agent, or the law; (iv) information reasonably sufficientto permit Bizboss to contact you as the complaining party, such as an address,telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which youmay be contacted; (v) an electronic or physical signature of the personauthorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive interest that isallegedly infringed; and (vi) a statement by you, made under penalty ofperjury, that the information in your report is accurate and that you are theowner of the exclusive right or authorized to act on the behalf of the owner ofthe exclusive right. A statement by you comprised of the foregoing points isreferred to herein as the "Notice." Only the intellectualproperty rights owner is permitted to report potentially infringing itemsthrough Bizboss's reporting system set forth above. If you are not theintellectual property rights owner, you should contact the intellectualproperty rights owner and they can choose whether to use the procedures setforth in these Terms of Use. K. Modifications to or Termination of Website 1.MODIFICATION OR CESSATION OF WEBSITE Bizboss reserves the right at any time andfrom time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, theWebsite (or any part thereof) with or without notice and in its solediscretion. You agree that Bizboss shall not be liable to you or to any thirdparty for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of Bizboss services.You hereby acknowledge and agree that Bizboss, in its sole and absolutediscretion, has the right (but not the obligation) to delete, terminate, ordeactivate your Account, block your email or IP address, cancel the Website orotherwise terminate your access to or participation in the use of the Website(or any part thereof), or remove and discard any Submitted Content on theWebsite ("Termination of Service"), immediately and withoutnotice, for any reason, including without limitation, Account inactivity or if Bizbossbelieves or has reason to believe that you have violated any provision of theTerms of Use. You may cancel your use of the Website and/or terminate the Termsof Use with or without cause at any time by following the link in your Accountunder "Account Preferences" to "DeactivateAccount." 4 Upon termination of your Account, your right toparticipate in the Website, including, but not limited to, your right to offeror purchase Services and your right to receive any fees or compensation,including, without limitation, referral discounts, incentive bonuses, or otherspecial offer rewards, shall automatically terminate. You acknowledge and agreethat your right to receive any fees or compensation hereunder is conditionalupon your proper use of the Website, your adherence to the Terms of Use, thecontinuous activation of your Account, and your permitted participation in theWebsite. In the event of Termination of Service, your Account will be disabled andyou may not be granted access to your Account or any files or other datacontained in your Account. Notwithstanding the foregoing, residual data mayremain in the Bizboss system. Unless Bizboss has previously cancelled orterminated your use of the Website (in which case subsequent notice by Bizbossshall not be required), if you provided a valid email address duringregistration, Bizboss will notify you via email of any such termination orcancellation, which shall be effective immediately upon Bizboss'sdelivery of such notice. Upon Termination of Service, the following shalloccur: all licenses granted to you hereunder will immediately terminate; andyou shall promptly destroy all copies of Bizboss Data (as defined below), Marks(as defined below) and other content in your possession or control. You furtheracknowledge and agree that Bizboss shall not be liable to you or any thirdparty for any termination of your access to the Website. Upon Termination ofService, Bizboss retains the right to use any data collected from your use ofthe Website for internal analysis and archival purposes, and all relatedlicenses you have granted Bizboss hereunder shall remain in effect for theforegoing purpose. In no event is Bizboss obligated to return any SubmittedContent to you. Sections K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X, shallsurvive expiration or termination of the Website or your Account. You agree toindemnify and hold Bizboss, and its officers, managers, members, affiliates, successor,assigns, directors, agents, Corporate Vendors, suppliers, and employeesharmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys'fees and court costs, made by any third party due to or arising out of theTermination of Service. L. 1. The content on the Website (exclusive of allSubmitted Content), including without limitation, the text, software, scripts,graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, interactive features and the like("Data") and the trademarks, service marks and logoscontained therein ("Marks"), are owned by Bizboss. Othertrademarks, names and logos on this Website are the property of theirrespective owners. Data on the Website is provided to you AS IS for yourinformation and personal use only and may not be used, copied, reproduced,distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwiseexploited for any other purposes whatsoever without the prior written consentof the respective owners. Bizboss reserves all rights not expressly granted inand to the Website and the Data. You agree not to use, copy, or distribute, anyof the Data other than as expressly permitted herein, including any use,copying, or distribution of Submitted Content obtained through the Website for anycommercial purposes. If you download or print a copy of the Data for personaluse, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices containedthereon. You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere withsecurity features of the Website or features that prevent or restrict use orcopying of any Data or enforce limitations on use of the Website or the Datatherein. The Website contains Bizboss's Data and Marks, which are, ormay become, protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and otherlaws, and Bizboss owns and retains all rights in the Bizboss Data and Marks.Subject to these Terms of Use, Bizboss hereby grants you a limited, revocable,nontransferable, nonsublicensable license to reproduce and display the BizbossData (excluding any software source code) solely for your personal use inconnection with accessing and participating in the Website. The Website mayalso contain Data of other users or licensors, which you shall not copy,modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, display,or sell. 1. FEES INCURRED BY CORPORATE VENDORS Joining Bizboss, opening anAccount, posting Services and viewing posted Services is free. Bizboss reservesthe right at its sole discretion to charge fees to Corporate Vendors forother services that Bizboss may provide in the future. The ServiceProfessionals shall be required to maintain a deposit in their accountsdepending on the usage of the platform by the Corporate Vendor. The Depositamount shall be required to be maintained by the Corporate Vendor tocontinue enjoying the ability to obtain requests from the Service Users. A partof the Deposits shall be reserved by Bizboss on receipt of the service request,which shall be subsequently refunded to the Corporate Vendor, on completionof job. The Corporate Vendor may also pay for the future procurement ofproducts through such Deposits. The penal charges and the subscription fee,payable by the Corporate Vendor shall be recovered from the Depositsamount. Further, the amount of unutilized Deposits shall be refunded to theCorporate Vendor on deregistration from Bizboss platform. Bizboss may alsoin certain categories require Corporate Vendors to make payments forfollowing up on job leads i.e. requests posted by Service Users, and permittingthe Corporate Vendor to contact the Service User (Lead Fee) irrespectiveof whether the job leads eventually result in a transaction or exchange ofconsideration for the service requested. Bizboss offers premium services toCorporate Vendors for a fee and may in the future offer additionalservices, like tax preparation and bookkeeping that Corporate Vendors canalso choose to purchase. Bizboss reserves the right to charge fees for theseservices at its sole discretion. For the invoice to be raised by ServiceProfessional with respect to the services to be provided to the Service User, Bizbossshall prepare such invoice. 2. FEES INCURRED BY SERVICE USERS Joining Bizboss,opening an Account, viewing posted Services, and bidding on posted Services isfree. Bizboss currently does not charge Service Users for transactionscompleted on the Website between Service Users and Services Professionals. However,Bizboss reserves the right to charge a fee to Service Users in the future on aper-transaction basis or in any other manner, and reserves the right to do soin its sole discretion. Changes to this Fee Policy are effective after Bizbosshas provided you with thirty (30) days' notice by posting the changeson the Website. If applicable, you agree to pay all fees or charges to yourAccount based on Bizboss's fees, charges, and billing terms then ineffect. If you do not pay on time or if Bizboss cannot charge your credit card,any payment gateway or other payment method for any reason, Bizboss reservesthe right to either suspend or terminate your access to the Website and Accountand terminate these Terms of Use. You are expressly agreeing that Bizboss ispermitted to bill you for the applicable fees, any applicable tax and any othercharges you may incur in connection with your use of this Website and the feeswill be billed to your credit card, a payment gateway or other payment methoddesignated at the time you make a purchase or register for a fee-based service.If you cancel your Account at any time, you will not receive any refund. If youhave a balance due on any account, you agree that Bizboss may charge suchunpaid fees to your credit card or otherwise bill you for such unpaid fees. Bizbossreserves its right to initiate appropriate legal proceedings, if necessary, inits sole discretion, to recover such outstanding amounts. 3 You understand thatwe are acting solely as an intermediary for the collection of rents and feesbetween a Service User and a Corporate Vendor who choose to enter into anAgreement for Service. Because state and local tax laws vary significantly bylocality, you understand and agree that you are solely responsible fordetermining your own tax reporting requirements in consultation with taxadvisors, and that we cannot and do not offer tax advice to either hosts orguests. Further, you understand that Bizboss shall not be responsible or liablein any manner in relation to tax liability of a Service User or a ServiceProfessional. In case of unregistered Housekeeping services (HK services), Bizbossshall pay taxes under Section 9(5) of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017,on behalf of the Corporate Vendor. 4. REFUND POLICY All commissions payableto Bizboss by Corporate Vendors on consummated transactions, i.e. exchangeof services for consideration, are final and non-refundable. All monies paid byCorporate Vendors in form of Credits or Deposits are non-interestbearing. Unutilised and unclaimed "Credits or Deposits " fora period of more than 364 days from the date of purchase of"Credits" shall expire and stand forfeited. No refunds ofcredits will be processed after the expiry date. N 1. NEGOTIATION WORKSHEET ANDCONTRACT TEMPLATE As a courtesy to Registered Users, to facilitate thenegotiation and confirmation of the Agreement for Service, Bizboss provides ageneral framework for negotiating the terms of Service (e.g., rate)("Negotiation Worksheet"). Registered Users acknowledge andagree that (i) they are solely responsible for addressing all issues that existnow or may arise in the future in connection with the applicable Service; and (ii)it is solely up to such Registered Users, if they so desire, to enter into asigned, written contract, that addresses all of the relevant issues andmemorializes the agreed upon Negotiation Worksheet. You should not rely on theany information or resources contained on the Website, including, withoutlimitation, the Negotiation Worksheet, as a replacement or substitute for anyprofessional, financial, legal or other advice or counsel. Bizboss makes norepresentations and warranties, and expressly disclaims any and all liability,concerning actions taken by a user following the information or using theresources offered or provided on or through the Websites, including, withoutlimitation, the Negotiation Worksheet. In no way will Bizboss be responsiblefor any actions taken or not taken based on the information or resourcesprovided on this Website. If you have a situation that requires professionaladvice, you should consult a qualified specialist. Do not disregard, avoid ordelay obtaining professional advice from a qualified specialist because ofinformation or resources that are provided on this Website, however provided.2. BIZBOSS IS NOT A PARTY TO ANY SERVICE CONTRACT Each Registered User herebyacknowledges and agrees that Bizboss is NOT a party to any oral or writtenAgreement for Service, Negotiation Worksheet, or any contract entered intobetween Registered Users in connection with any Service offered, directly orindirectly, through the Website. Each Registered User acknowledges, agrees andunderstands that Bizboss only seeks to provide a platform wherein the ServiceUser and Corporate Vendor can be brought together and Bizboss itself hasnot role in the execution or provision of Services. 3. NO AGENCY OR PARTNERSHIPNo agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result ofthe Terms of Use or your use of any part of the Website, including withoutlimitation, the Negotiation Worksheet or Agreement for Service. You do not haveany authority whatsoever to bind Bizboss in any respect. All ServiceProfessionals are independent contractors. Neither Bizboss nor any users of theWebsite may direct or control the day-to-day activities of the other, or createor assume any obligation on behalf of the other. 4. DISPUTES BETWEEN REGISTEREDUSERS Subject to the provisions regarding disputes between Website participantsin connection with Feedback, your interactions with individuals and/ororganizations found on or through the Website, including payment of andperformance of any Service, and any other terms, conditions, warranties orrepresentations associated with such transactions or dealings, are solelybetween you and such individual or organization. You should take reasonableprecautions and make whatever investigation or inquiries you deem necessary orappropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with anythird party, including without limitation, Corporate Vendors and ServiceUsers. You understand that deciding whether to use the Services of a ServiceProfessional or provide Services to a Service User or use information containedin any Submitted Content, including, without limitation, Postings, Offers,Wants and/or Feedback, is your personal decision for which alone areresponsible. You understand that Bizboss does not warrant and cannot makerepresentations as to the suitability of any individual you may decide tointeract with on or through the Website and/or the accuracy or suitability ofany advice, information, or recommendations made by any individual. While Bizbossmay attempt to seek information about the background of a Corporate Vendor,either via a telephonic or in-person interview, review of past work/customerfeedback and/or check presence online (if available) on Facebook, personalisedwebsite, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., you understand that Corporate Vendors mayregister themselves suo moto. You also understand that any so called backgroundcheck undertaken by Bizboss is not exhaustive to the extent to determine previouscriminal antecedents and hence, at the end of the day, the Service User shouldtake an informed decision on his/her own accord and keep in mind the fact that Bizbossonly seeks to provide a platform wherein Service Users and ServiceProfessionals have an opportunity to meet each other. NOTWITHSTANDING THEFOREGOING, YOU AGREE THAT SINCE BIZBOSS only seeks to provide a platformwherein the Service User and Corporate Vendor can be brought together and Bizbossitself has not role in the execution or provision of Services ITSELF, URBANCLAP SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY SORTWHATSOEVER INCURRED AS THE RESULT OF ANY SUCH TRANSACTION OR DEALINGS. IF THEREIS A DISPUTE BETWEEN PARTICIPANTS ON THE WEBSITE, OR BETWEEN REGISTERED USERSOR ANY WEBSITE USER AND ANY THIRD PARTY, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT BIZBOSSIS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO BECOME INVOLVED. IN THE EVENT THAT A DISPUTE ARISESBETWEEN YOU AND ONE OR MORE WEBSITE USERS, REGISTERED USERS OR ANY THIRD PARTY,YOU HEREBY RELEASE BIZBOSS, ITS OFFICERS, MANAGERS, MEMBERS, DIRECTORS,EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEYS, AGENTS, AND SUCCESSORS IN RIGHTS FROM ANY CLAIMS,DEMANDS, AND DAMAGES (ACTUAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL) OF EVERY KIND OR NATURE, KNOWNOR UNKNOWN, SUSPECTED OR UNSUSPECTED, FORESEEABLE OR UNFORESEEABLE, DISCLOSEDOR UNDISCLOSED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO SUCH DISPUTES AND/ORTHE WEBSITE OR ANY SERVICE PROVIDED THEREUNDER. O. Dispute Resolution If adispute arises between you and Bizboss, our goal is to provide you with aneutral and cost effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Accordingly,you and Bizboss hereby agree that we will resolve any claim or controversy atlaw and equity that arises out of the Terms of Use or the Website in accordancewith this Section O or as we and you otherwise agree in writing. Beforeresorting to the filing of a formal lawsuit, we strongly encourage you to firstcontact us directly to seek a resolution via e-mail at support@bizboss.com. Thedispute shall be resolved through alternative dispute resolution procedures,such as mediation or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation. 1. GOVERNINGLAW The Terms of Use shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India andany legal proceeding arising out of this Agreement will occur exclusively inthe courts located in New Delhi, India. P Aspects of the Website and other Bizbossservices may be supported by advertising revenue. As such, Bizboss may displayadvertisements and promotions on the service. The manner, mode and extent ofadvertising by Bizboss on the Website are subject to change and the appearanceof advertisements on the Website does not necessarily imply endorsement by Bizbossof any advertised products or services. You agree that Bizboss shall not beresponsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred by you as aresult of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of suchadvertisers on the Website. Q The Website may provide, or third parties mayprovide, links, contact forms and/or phone numbers to other websites orresources, including, without limitation, social networking, blogging andsimilar websites through which you are able to log into the Website using yourexisting account and log-in credentials for such third-party websites. Certainareas of the Website may allow you to interact and/or conduct transactions withsuch third-party sites, and, if applicable, allow you to configure your privacysettings in your third-party site account to permit your activities on theWebsite to be shared with your contacts in your third-party site account.Because Bizboss has no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledgeand agree that Bizboss is not responsible for the availability of such externalsites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content,advertising, products, goods or services on or available from such websites orresources. Unless expressly stated on the Website, links to third-party sitesshould in no way be considered as or interpreted to be Bizboss'sendorsement of such third-party sites or any product or service offered throughthem. You further acknowledge and agree that Bizboss shall not be responsibleor liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged tobe caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content,advertising, product, goods or services available on or through any suchwebsite or resource. The Third-party website may have different privacypolicies and terms and conditions and business practices than Bizboss. Incertain situations, you may be transferred to a Third-party website through alink or connected to a Third-party resource by a contact form or phone but itmay appear that you are still on this Website or transacting with Bizboss. Inthese situations, you acknowledge and agree that the Third-party website termsand conditions and privacy policy apply in this situation. Your dealings andcommunications through the Website with any party other than Bizboss are solely between you and such third party. Any complaints,concerns or questions you have relating to materials provided by third partiesshould be forwarded directly to the applicable third party. YOU AGREE THAT YOURUSE OF THE WEBSITE SHALL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTEDBY LAW, AND BIZBOSS AND ITS OFFICERS, MANAGERS, MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES,SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, CORPORATE VENDORS,SUPPLIERS, AND AGENTS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OROTHERWISE, AND MAKE NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR GUARANTEES IN CONNECTIONWITH THIS WEBSITE, THE SERVICES OFFERED ON OR THROUGH THIS WEBSITE, ANY DATA,MATERIALS, SUBMITTED CONTENT, RELATING TO THE QUALITY, SUITABILITY, TRUTH, ACCURACYOR COMPLETENESS OF ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL CONTAINED OR PRESENTED ON THISWEBSITE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE MATERIALS, DATA AND SUBMITTED CONTENTOF OTHER USERS OF THIS SITE OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPLICITLYSTATED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS WEBSITE, THESERVICES OFFERED ON OR THROUGH THIS WEBSITE, DATA, MATERIALS, SUBMITTEDCONTENT, AND ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL CONTAINED OR PRESENTED ON THIS WEBSITEIS PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN "AS IS," "ASAVAILABLE" AND "WHEREIS" BASIS WITH NO WARRANTY OFIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ORNON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS. BIZBOSS DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY WARRANTIESAGAINST ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF DATA, CONTENT, INFORMATION,MATERIALS, SUBSTANCE OF THE WEBSITE OR SUBMITTED CONTENT, ANY UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATIONAND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES,OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THE WEBSITE BY ANY THIRDPARTY, ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM THE WEBSITE,ANY DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE, OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY OR SERVICEUSER OR SERVICE PROVIDER, OR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS ARESULT OF THE USE OF ANY DATA, CONTENT, INFORMATION, MATERIALS, SUBSTANCE OFTHE WEBSITE OR SUBMITTED CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED, TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISEMADE AVAILABLE VIA THE WEBSITE. BIZBOSS DOES NOT ENDORSE, WARRANT, GUARANTEE,OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY ATHIRD PARTY THROUGH THE WEBSITE OR ANY HYPERLINKED SITE OR FEATURED IN ANYBANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISEMENT. BIZBOSS WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BERESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND ANY PARTY, INCLUDINGTHIRD PARTY CORPORATE VENDORS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS WITH THE USE OFANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE, AND THE PUBLISHING OR POSTING OF ANY MATERIAL THROUGHANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT ANDEXERCISE CAUTION WHERE APPROPRIATE. 1. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIZBOSS, OR ITSRESPECTIVE OFFICERS, MANAGERS, MEMBERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS,ASSIGNS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, CORPORATE VENDORS, SUPPLIERS, ATTORNEYSOR AGENTS, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSSOF BUSINESS, REVENUE, PROFITS, USE, DATA OR OTHER ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE)WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM ANY (I) ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE WEBSITE OR ANYSERVICES OFFERED BY ANY CORPORATE VENDORS VIA THE WEBSITE, INCLUDINGSERVICES PROVIDED PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT FORMED INDEPENDENTLY OF THE WEBSITE,WHETHER OR NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE FORMED VIA THE WEBSITE IS IN EFFECT;(II) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF DATA, MARKS, CONTENT, INFORMATION,MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCE OF THE WEBSITE OR SUBMITTED CONTENT; (III) ANYUNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONALINFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN; (IV) ANY BUGS,VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THEWEBSITE BY ANY THIRD PARTY; (V) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSIONTO OR FROM THE WEBSITE; (VI) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN ANY DATA, CONTENT,INFORMATION, MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCE OF THE WEBSITE OR SUBMITTED CONTENT; (VII)ANY FAILED NEGOTIATIONS FOR A SERVICE, ANY DISPUTES THAT ARISE DURING OR AFTERTHE NEGOTIATION OF A SERVICE OR THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACT FOR A SERVICE, ORANY OTHER DISPUTE THAT ARISES BETWEEN USERS OF THE WEBSITE; (VIII) ANYDEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE, OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY OR SERVICE USER ORCORPORATE VENDOR; OR (IX) ANY USE OF ANY DATA, MARKS, CONTENT, INFORMATION,MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCE OF THE WEBSITE OR SUBMITTED CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED,TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE ON OR THROUGH THE WEBSITE, WHETHERBASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR ANY OTHER LEGALTHEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT BIZBOSS IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLESTEXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION. 2. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHE TOTAL, AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF BIZBOSS, OR ANY OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCEDRESPECTIVE PARTIES, ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE WEBSITE, AND/OR SUBMITTEDCONTENT EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FEES ACTUALLY PAID TO BIZBOSS BY YOUHEREUNDER. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT BIZBOSS SHALL NOT BE LIABLEFOR SUBMITTED CONTENT OR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE, OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANYTHIRD PARTY OR SERVICE USER OR SERVICE PROVIDER AND THAT THE RISK OF HARM ORDAMAGE FROM THE FOREGOING RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE ANDAGREE THAT BIZBOSS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO LOSS OF BUSINESS, REVENUE, PROFITS, USE, DATA OR OTHER ECONOMICADVANTAGE) WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM OR RELATING TO ANY CONTRACT BETWEENWEBSITE USERS ENTERED INTO INDEPENDENTLY OF THE WEBSITE. THE WEBSITE MAYCONTAIN LINKS TO THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES THAT ARE NOT OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY BIZBOSS.BIZBOSS DOES NOT HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER, AND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR, THECONTENT, PRIVACY POLICIES, OR PRACTICES OF ANY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES. INADDITION, BIZBOSS WILL NOT AND CANNOT CENSOR OR EDIT THE CONTENT OF ANYTHIRD-PARTY SITE. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU EXPRESSLY RELIEVE BIZBOSS FROM ANYAND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF ANY THIRD PARTY WEBSITE.ACCORDINGLY, PLEASE BE ADVISED TO READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND PRIVACYPOLICY OF EACH THIRD-PARTY WEBSITE THAT YOU VISIT, INCLUDING THOSE DIRECTED BYTHE LINKS CONTAINED ON THE WEBSITE. Neither Bizboss nor you shall be liable tothe other for any delay or failure in performance under the Terms of Use, otherthan payment obligations, arising out of a cause beyond its control and withoutits fault or negligence. Such causes may include, but are not limited to fires,floods, earthquakes, strikes, unavailability of necessary utilities, blackouts,acts of God, acts